Friday, January 15, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Christmas, like every other year, was a whirlwind of events...

Christmas Eve: Francis family gathering and my family's Christmas at my parents
Christmas Day: 7:30 mass, breakfast at our house with my family, opening gifts from Santa, a visit with my Grandma & Grandpa Simon, ending with Tony's family Christmas party
Day After Christmas: The extended Bergman family Christmas

With so much going on you really have to tell yourself to slow down and take it all in. The kids were so much fun to watch. Josie was petrified of Santa. She was so scared of him that she would tell us she already had enough toys, no new ones were wanted, and Santa could skip right over our house. But after seeing the gifts he brought on Christmas morning her dislike of him decreased slightly. It was neat to see the difference in her outlook of Christmas from the last two years to this year. Last year she was still in the "what is going on" stage. This year she got the idea of it and her excitement was through the roof. It will be fun to see Grant go through the same thing in the next several years.

Now that the holiday season is over I dread taking down all the gifts. Not that it is a chore to take everything down, but it is sad to see that another Christmas has come and gone.

Our family wishes all of you a healthy and prosperous new year!